«The human brain is a wonderful tool, genetically ready to allow human being to get consciousness of one-self and environment, and to become able to use space-time of one’s own existence to express one-self creatively and harmonically, taking part in social, cultural and human evolution».
Michele Trimarchi
Neuropsychophysiology – scientific discipline which integrates Neurology, Psychology, and Physiology – was born from the studies carried out by prof. Michele Trimarchi, since 70s, about (a) Information Physics, (b) functional differences between left and right hemisphere, and (c) higher functions of human brain.
The essential aim that led to the birth of Neuropsychophysiology (NPP) was to bring back mind and brain together (too long kept separated in neurological and psychological fields), and to study higher cerebral functions and functional differences between right and left hemisphere, to discover ‘physiology of consciousness’, i.e. how the Conscious ‘I’ of human being develops, that Conscious ‘I’ that allows to manage consciously and creatively cerebral functions by integrating the dynamism of mind with the body in its relationship with the environment.
NPP is founded on Physics, which demonstrates that there are no separations in the physical world as every element – from micro to macro – generates a
continuous and dynamic energy field which constantly interacts with other fields in an energy exchange.
Through the study of how various systems communicate with each other, it was found that
there are no separations between external and internal physical world of human brain, as sense organs are basically energy transducers which convert the various energy forms to
get them identified by cerebral genetics in their physical objective characteristics.
This is the main functions of sense organs: translating different energy forms so that brain
can perceive them, identify and become aware of them, developing a knowledge that one can use to enrich one-self and to communicate with the external environment.
NPP provides an integrated knowledge of human being and behaviour (emotional, logical-rational, creative), with nothing left to ‘chance’: every stimulus that gets to the
brain through sense organs runs on a precise pathway, so it is necessary to verify how the various stimuli run within the two hemispheres and what they generate, i.e. which are
their favourite pathways and which are the emotional and rational effects they generate.
A central paradigm of NPP is the relationship between energy, matter and
information (paradigm E-M-I): nothing exists that is not information, matter and energy at the same time.
Information gradually modulate NPP functions, generating one-self consciousness when they
are harmonic and physiological to its development, and generating sickness, discomfort and psychopathology when they are conflictual and antithetical to those genetic drives that
lead every human being to self-determination, freedom, respect for one’s own and other people’s dignity.
Human brain needs to be fed by physiological stimuli, needs to evolve, to interact
constructively with the environment, and the entire environment – internal and external – starts from a physical base, as everything is physical. Every form of energy constantly
informs us of its own presence as our brain can measure it, and it could measure it physiologically wasn’t it suffering from conditionings capable to distort its measuring instruments,
as exactly explained by Pavlov through his experiments on classical conditioning. Unfortunately, by continuously submitting human being to conditionings, we separated the
functionality of the two cerebral hemispheres, left and right, we separated the being by its ‘I’, that ‘I’ that should use both hemispheres to continuously grow in consciousness and
Neuroscience research hasn’t clear yet the goal of brain, and this is what NPP
focused on: goal of brain is to generate an ‘I’ who has to become absolute owner of brain itself to manage and decide his path in life respecting one-self and environment, natural and
Starting from these basics, here are NPP investigation fields:
- Study of anatomy and physiology of consciousness;
- Study of physiology and pathology of emotions and human motivation;
- Study of cerebral functions which govern the capabilities to inhibit negative and aggressive instincts, intrapersonal and interpersonal;
- Study of cerebral functions, located in the frontal lobes, which are predisposed to planning , and benefit from the entire psychophysical activity;
- Study of executive cerebral functions involving motivation, gratification, volition;
- Study of communication physiology (intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, intercultural), which requires the capability (a) to listen in silence, (b) to identify the reason for information, and (c) to elaborate creatively a conscious response for an evolutionary construction, personal and/or shared; this capability has to be raised in developmental age and carry on all over the life-span;
- Application of NPP method in educational, re-educational, rehabilitative and psychotherapeutic fields.
The interrelation among the above processes needs a continuous integration so that may emerge the presence of the ‘I’ as the ‘pilot’ of every function of human brain.